Wednesday, September 17, 2008

No McCain No Way

Sen. John McCain does not care about the people of this nation. He obviously does not care how many lives are lost, how much sorrow an American wife, child, or parent will feel as long as he is winning. He lost in Vietnam and now by God, he's gonna win. Wake up people! We have been living under fascist rule wrapped in the guise of patriotism. Our people, and our economy can not stand another four to eight years of people who are out for the swelling of their own wallets. How can you watch innocents die while reaping the financial benefits, and say that you are morally justified in your actions. I am always wary of those who do what "God" called them to do. Their calling is usually wrapped up in their own agendas. This nation was founded on the principal of "By the people, for the people". Not, by the one for the one. I say that if you are truly a moral person then there is no way that you can place your vote behind Sen. John McCain. We are expected to be lemmings, following in line, one after the other, even though it may lead us off a cliff. I will not jump. Not for him, not for anyone.


654789 said...
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654789 said...

I hear you loud and clear! The problem is that the choice on the other side is just as bad, maybe he wants to end the war(which I agree with) but we cant have EVERY person in America on welfare - it just wont work. Changes need to be make, but a change in parties is not the answer. To truly change it will have to come from the people. End our dependence on foreign oil for one, improve our economy - which wont be easy. But until the masses unite together these changes will not happen. It will take many people like you - blogging, writing, protesting, fact-checking, listening, hearing, to make the kind of changes this great county of ours needs.

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