Monday, August 18, 2008

My Son the Hero

I played Guitar Hero for the first time this past weekend. I learned that one, I have no rhythm, and two, video games have far surpassed my level of expertise. Insult to injury, my oldest son, Brennan, said "Don't worry Dad, it took me a while too." Thanks son......thanks a lot. He, by the way, rocks at it. He's had it for only two days. This is a time in my life not very unlike listening to my favorite song from high school on the radio, and realizing I'm tuned into the oldies station.


James said...

Dude. I still rock at Yars Revenge on the atari 2600.

Doesn't that mean that I'm still with it?

654789 said...

HAHA, time passes by and I find myself with less and less time for things I use to/still do enjoy. As for guitar hero.....its just like the real thing - practice makes perfect!

James said...

Is this your guy?

Weber said...

The fact that Mr. Herbert can name an unknown to most game from Atari just scares the hell out of me! :)

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