Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Not All Silver Linings

It seems to me that a lot of the blogs I see always have a happy outcome. Always a "silver lining". In looking back at my few entries, I look like I'm falling into the same pattern. In my header I promised you "life", my life. Not everything, not even half, of the things in my life are hunky dory. Most have pluses and minuses. My kids are a constant source of joy, and utter frustration. Though I love school, it is very hard for me to comprehend many of the concepts we are taught. The list goes on. These things I have no trouble finding my silver lining with. Plenty of other items I deal with on a daily basis, just flat out suck. My children go to one of the worst school systems in the country. My eldest actually has texting as part of his curriculum. No kidding texting, on a phone. I live in a highly conservative part of the country. Child support payments (Which are made on time, no matter what). Again, the list goes on. Let's face it, many aspects of life blow, no sliver lining. Plenty of things piss me off. So in respect to what I have promised you, i.e. Life, not all posts will be happy-go-lucky entries. Not all will end on the bright side of life. Hopefully not even most, but at least some. It's my life. No way would I ever change it. I am who I am because of, or in spite of, it. I promised you my life, so now the kid gloves are off. Welcome to it.


James said...

Wow. A blog that takes life seriously and pulls no punches. An Author who is going to tell it like it is no holds barred.
Boy that is a breath of fresh air.
What a silver lining in a long list of black cloud copy cat blogs.


Weber said...

Nice blog, but you're right, alot of bloggers that aren't posting hateful or racial slurs are, indeed, just like a precious moments story. You are a very interesting character displaying your life to the world. Brave man, much respect.

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